Turn The Mind – Nootropics for The Mental Edge

Sylvester Spoon
June 23, 2016

Nootropics for Unlocking the Brain

Every day we look for ways to enhance our lives. We implant many different techniques and substances to enrich our bodies and our minds with foods, exercise, and supplements. As people, we are always driven to improve.

Nature, chemistry and curiosity keep the medical marvels coming and our way of life improving. Exercise and vitamins keep our body strong and agile, but what about our brain?

This question has been asked and answered hundreds of times but we are going to cover one of the most important parts of the brain function, cognition.

There have been many diagnoses related to malfunctions and chemical imbalances but there is two more mainstream such as Attention Deficient Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) that are widely treated both chemically and naturally.

Both of these diseases have been debated for years by many neuroscientists and doctors. Typically, the line gets blurred when it comes to smart drugs and nootropics when talking about these and other disorders. It is sometimes thought they are one in the same. This is not always the case.

Regardless of whether you have one of the diagnosis’s or not, you definitely want the best from your brain. We have done the research and found the best nootropic formulas for ADD, ADHD and cognition enhancement for you with and without a prescription.

Pay Attention. ADD and ADHD

In the treatment of Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, there are two common “go-to” medications with a proven track record of results in helping the patients who suffer from these handicaps.

The differences between the two are very slight and it is proven that if one isn’t working, the other one will.

Ritalin, who’s main active ingredient, methylphenidate, is a stimulate that targets the central nervous system.

The increased dopamine and norepinephrine are not absorbed and remain alive and well in the brain. Ritalin peaks more quickly than its sister, Adderall.

The sister to the drug Ritalin, is Adderall. The active, main ingredients are dextroamphetamine and amphetamines, which are stimulates as well so they systematically do the same thing as Ritalin.

The big chemical difference is the cell do in fact absorb the dopamine after production and the peak effectiveness of the medication is slower. Both medications are available in extended-release capsules.

Tips When Picking a Nootropic Alternative

  • Look at Your Diet. Make sure your diet is consistent with building a better brain too. Diets high in Omega 3 fatty acids, Creatine and B12 will aid your Nootropic results.
  • Look for Cognitive Enhancers. There are many nootropics that do many things. Know your Nootropics. I have included a comprehensive list for you.
  • Know Your Results. Make sure you know what progress should look and feel like.
  • Side Effects. There are little if any side effects with Nootropics, but know what they are for the specific mix you choose to take so you do not experience any anxiety.

How Nootropics Work?

  • Increases Blood Flow. Increased flow to your gray matter means more oxygen and nutrients, therefore more energy. Your brain uses 20% for the oxygen you take in, 20% of the calories you ingest and yet it is a total of 2% of your total body mass.
  • Stimulate Cell Growth. Due to the Huperzine A, Nootropic nutrients stimulant healthy strong new cells
  • Protection. Nootropics are antioxidants that shields our cells from damaging free radicals.
  • Creates Neurotransmitter Compounds. Nootropics form the necessary compounds of dopamine and serotonin.
  • Decreases Inflammation. Inflammation is one of the potential causes of ADHD, loss of memory and anxiety.
  • Nutrients. Nootropics provide the vitamins your brains need to keep it healthy.

The Nootropic Smart Drug Alternatives

  • Piracetam – Long considered a natural treatment for Alzheimer’s disease and Dementia, this nootropic has been tested for every different cognitive deficiency. Though it has been found to be most effective in individuals who are currently experiencing loss of memory and function, when stacked with other nootropics, it can be substantially effective to enhance focus.
  • Noopept – Considerably more effective treatment for ADHD than ADD, Noopept and can be used in a smaller does and stacked with several other Nootropics on this list for optimal cognition.
  • Phenylpiracetam – A byproduct of Piracetam, Phenylpiracetam has stimulant properties and is almost as effective as its chemical counterparts, Adderall and Ritalin. Due to this translation, and your body’s ability to adjust to the natural components of this nootropic, a tolerance is imminent. The best advice is to stack and keep use to a minimum.
  • Pramiracetam – Another member of the Piracetam family, Pramiracetam is thought to have the same cognitive properties and although it has not been studied as much as the others on this list, by extension will provide the same performance.
  • Memantine – Tis Nootropic is similar to that of the Piracetam in that it is most effective for those in a decline in cognitive function. The testing has shown it be effective when stacked with Noopept.
  • Modafinil – Considered to be the closest replacement for Adderall and Ritalin, Modafinil has shown in a multitude of studies moderate memory and cognition levels rise. Motivation has been elevated through the rush of dopamine as well without the addiction potential.
  • Selegiline – Currently in the early stages of testing for ADHD treatment, Selegiline has been proven an effective remedy for Parkinson’s and Dementia as well as depression and anxiety.

The Healthy Brain On Nootropics

If you are like me and you don’t have ADD or ADHD but you want to increase your gray matter or focus better or even remember what you ate for breakfast, Nootropics are definitely for you.

There are other everyday items that you are currently taking that would fall into the classification of nootropics without even realizing it. An example would be B12 and vitamin D. I don’t mean the whole vitamin, just some functions of the vitamin would be considered Nootropic.

There is a vast amount of information on Nootropics but all you need to know is what to look for and to have patience. Rome wasn’t built in a day and rebuilding or enhancing the functionality of your brain wouldn’t be either.

As long as you know you can stack some the nootropics on the list I have provided and you know the desired outcome you want, you are ready for a better memory and better cohesion of thoughts.

Real Nootropics, Half Nootropics, Fake Nootropics and Cognitive Damagers

We have talked about alternatives to the prescriptions and some of the variations of brain boosters, but now we are going to delve deeper into the comparison and contrast of the options available to you.

There are many options as you now know, but now we are going to introduce the most powerful, to the bottom of the barrel, the cognitive destroyers. The substances that give the user the initial feeling of enhanced cognitive function when in reality there is irreparable damage that is occurring and everything in between.

All of the version do some form of enhancement either on a temporary or permanent basis. There are many versions of brain boosters that “masquerade” as Nootropics and these are the versions that work temporarily giving the user a feeling of enhanced cognitive function and when the dose wears off so does the feeling and the increased function.

These are separated into classifications and they are:

  1. Hypra-Nootropic or Super Nootropics
  2. Quasi-Nootropics or Temporary Cognitive Increase offering little or no brain damage
  3. Pseudo-Nootropic or Fake Nootropics with temporary effect and extensive damage, and high probability of addiction and extensive side effects.
  4. Nootropics which have permanent cognitive enhancement.
  5. Hypra-Nootropics

Hypra-Nootropics are amped up Nootropics. They have virtually no side effects and have been used to help the users forget traumas and re-focus on the current situations in their lives.

Am barbital and Propranolol being the most widely sub-hallucination and increase cognition by activating glutamate which is MSG. While reducing stress, if it is not used in near perfect dosages, it can lead to hallucinations of cartoonists portions.


The Quasi-Nootropics do not cause any form of damage but they have no real long term benefit either. Essentially, there is a temporary boost in energy and stimulation which can mimic a sense of enhanced cognizance.

Most commonly it has been found in energy drinks, gums, certain types of soda and chocolate. There is a strain of this Quasi-Nootropic, methylhexanamine or DMAA, that elevates the stimulant feeling and adds an improvement in social ability.

DMAA has been banned recently but on the same list are certain B vitamins, Aniracetam, TMG, Omega-3, and Cathinone. They are a safe substitute for the cannabidiol in the DMAA because there is less toxicity and metabolites.


Falling into this category are the pharmaceuticals, of course, but surprisingly are other extreme drugs as well because of the additive properties they have.

Part of the Pseudo-Nootropic family is methamphetamine and amphetamines, even cocaine because of the temporary “high” feeling of cognition.

There is significant damage associated with these false Nootropics but probably the most dangerous, even above those I have already mentioned is Dimethylaminoethanol or Deathanol, ethyl alcohol.

DXM permanently alters brain function through dulling thoughts and sense of self-worth having the opposite effect of its intended use. The only drugs the amphetamine could be considered less dangerous than as far as damage to the brain might be heroin.

Within these classifications, there are subcategories that separate the area of cognition they treat. These subcategories are:

Anxiolytic or Anti-Anxiety – Quasi-Nootropics

High anxiety is considered to be a major contributing factor to crippling cognitive function. Incorporating a relaxing agent to the user’s system with relieve the anxiety and release the user’s inhibition to open the door for comfort with social situations.

In some cases, this can be conducive for learning, in others in can be just enough to prevent medical conditions such as panic attacks that can be debilitating.

Anti-Anxiety Agents

  1. Benzodiazepines GHB – Most people are familiar with Benzodiazepines by others names such as Valium or Klonopin. These two medications are commonly used to treat bouts of extreme anxiety and are not for long term use.
  2. GHB – Widely known as gym rats as a muscle protectant and an aid to increase production of human growth hormone, it is also known to reduce anxiety. It can be, in high doses, a hallucinogen
  3. Baclofen – Primarily used by doctors as a muscle relaxer for people with varying degrees of back problems, Baclofen is an anti-anxiety drug that will keep your core temperature regulated as well. Many club kids from the 90’s used to take Baclofen when they took Ecstasy to keep their body temperature down to prevent overdose.
  4. MCOPPB – Not even available for human use yet but with any luck, it will be available soon. This anti-anxiety drug has many advantages, not least of which is pain management, no short term memory loss or impairments but it has only been tested on animals.


Stimulants are a crucial part of the cognitive rise in productivity. There is one caveat to using a drug as a stimulant, the crash that comes after it wears off.

The energy that rushes through you is almost instant and will motivate and enhance your productivity. There are inherent side effects one of course being the coming down off of the stimulant but there could be a sleep deprivation aspect and the use of more than is necessary due to a building tolerance to it.

  1. DMAA – Thermogenic so it will make your body warm up and has similar traits to that of amphetamine without any of the “high” effects. It increases your metabolism and is used primarily as a pre-workout supplement. It can be stacked with Baclofen to prevent overheating.
  2. Tametaline – Similar to Adderall with less addictive properties it gives an uptick in the dopamine-norepinephrine.
  3. Isopropyl Amphetamine – A longer lasting version of amphetamine.
  4. Prolintane – A stimulant stronger than caffeine and non-addictive and enhances energy and focus and from its profile it appears to be perfectly safe.
  5. Acetic Benzyl Piperazine – Two stages of elevating your mood and improving cognition/focus
  6. Cyclo0HexylAminoPropaane (CHAP) – One of the largest dopamine dumps into your system, CHAP is a quarter of amphetamine potency and completely safe at the same time
  7. Caffeine – Found in coffee and a favorite to mimic cognitive enhancers, one of the most addictive on our list

Wakeful Enhancement

Wakeful enhancers will keep you up and going without the harmful side effects of stimulants, even more so. There is minimal dependence and most are not habit forming.

They do not, however, give much of an elevation in energy but the best way to describe it is wakeful and thereby focus. Their effect is far subtle than their counterpart the stimulant but they do have considerable longevity.

A concern when taking Wakeful Enhancement is an increased sensitivity to histaminergic, airborne or your food allergies so be diligent when using these.

  1. Fluoreno – With a short duration in your system, Floreno is ideal for those who want 4 to 6 hours of a wakeful effect. It is more powerful than its counterpart Modafinil
  2. Flodafinil – A modified Modafinil with increased value of approximately 3 times and lasts for about 9 hours but is does have significate side effect of stomach upset and headaches. If you are looking to stay up at night without the jitters, Flodafinil is it.
  3. Modafinil – A definite mood enhancer as well as a wakeful enhancer.

Mood Enhancers

Mood Enhancers or mood lifters will elevate your mood which helps which focus and cognition as a side effect. They include ecstasinergics which keep you from having any side effects and ideal for your

  1. Acetic Benzyl Piperazine – Increases cognition and energy while improving mood.
  2. Sunifiram – This drug lifts the mood and has been shown to improve memory.
  3. IAP lIndanyl Amino Propane – With the promotion of a peaceful mindset, it mildly activates the release of serotonin and dopamine.
  4. Kenna plant – The Kenna plant enhances memory while elevating mood.
  5. MDEA (3,4-Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine) – Just like the IAP it simultaneously releases dopamine and serotonin in equal parts and increases energy. This mood enhancer will overheat your body so it must be stacked with baclofen and uncontrollable teeth grinding is a side effect.

Concentration Enhancers

The Concentration Enhancers are drugs that contribute in many aspects of enhancing cognition. Focus, concentration and mood are just a few of the areas that these enhancers contribute. They are the most well-rounded in this subcategory.

  1. Nefiracetam – Not only does it enhance concentration but Nefiracetam enhances memory
  2. Oxiracetam – Concentration and focus and is a mild nootropic.
  3. Phenylpiracetam – Somewhat shown to increase energy, but an added feature is the promotion of learning in addition to concentration.
  4. Phenylpiracetam Hydrazide – A new Nootropic, but very potent for energy learning and concentration.
  5. CILTEP – This is a one pill stack with forskolin and artichoke
  6. Race tams – Moderate Nootropics that are specifically for concentration

Problem Solving and Memory

The most fascinating of the subcategories, the memory and problem-solving enhancers can increase your IQ level. With encouragement to more critical thinking, it increases creativity through psychedelics but at lower doses, it does increase problem-solving skills and memory.

  1. 2C-D (2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylphenethylamine) – Showing exponential growth with intelligence in small increments, it becomes noticeable in the thirst exhibited for knowledge
  2. 2C-2P (2C-IP) – A psychedelic the elevates problem-solving and memory
  3. 2C-I and 2C-D stack – This is a stack that the dosages need to be adjusted. The 2C and 2D are enhanced by each other
  4. Sulbutiamine – By replenishing the vitamin B1 in your brain for blood flow which is how Sulbutiamine helps to increase memory
  5. Pyritinol – In the B vitamin family constant with memory enhancers, this drug increases the blood flows as well but contains sulfur also.

Short Term and Long Term Memory

Neurogenesis Inducers

Neuron growers increase the production of neurons which may lead to increase intelligence and gray matter of the brain. The gray matter of the brain serves to advocate or compute and process the information taken in through the senses. These inducers are currently in the research phases so the list of these is a short one.

NSI-189 : NSI-189

  1. NSI – 189 – So far the research and studies have proven NSI-189 to stimulate neurogenesis of the hippocampus, the central area of the brain that process emotion and memory, stem cell in vitro. In addition to the processing of emotion, the hippocampus directly controls the short term and long term memory. With the studies in mice showing a 20% increase of hippocampal health and preliminary testing in humans to be effective, even though it’s capacity has yet to be measured.
  2. Exercise – I felt this deserved an honorable mention. A healthy body helps a healthy mind. Studies do show that 30 minutes a day of exercise helps with neurogenesis.
  3. Psilocybe Cubensis Mushrooms (“shrooms”) – Psychedelic, yes, however in a lower dose “shrooms” are effective in producing neurogenesis.
  4. Lanicemine – Though falling under the classification of a Hypra-Nootropic, Lanicemine is an anti-=depressant and has neuroprotective properties.

Reviewing the information, I have laid out for you, you will notice that nootropics are almost everywhere. Truth be told, you actually ingest them in some way or the other almost daily, whether it be in food or a supplement or vitamin you were unaware of. I do recommend reviewing the information I have laid out before embarking on the Nootropic trend. Treatment for ADHD or ADD is treatable through Nootropics and so are many of the psychologic issues that plague humans today.

There are so many other Nootropics that have much other less identified and more ambiguous traits. Most of these have not had extensive testing nor do we know for certain what stacking these would do. There is an element that when left to itself it may not have any effect, but when put with another device, it becomes an extremely effective component for the strength of mind, body, and soul.