Origins of the Zika Virus: Where did it come from? Zika virus got its name after the Zika Forest(( in Uganda. This virus was discovered in 1947. Many cases of people infected with Zika virus were discovered in 1952. The...
Sleep Disorders and Complementary Health Approaches
Scientists identified more than 80 different sleep problems. The most common sleep disorder is called insomnia. If you experience a difficulty in falling asleep or a difficulty in staying asleep, then you have insomnia. Some people who feel tired and cannot focus...
VITAMIN D: Benefits, Dosage, Deficiency, Warnings and Precautions
Vitamin D is essential for a vast palette of processes in our bodies. It maintains bone and teeth health, it stimulates all sorts of brain functions, optimizing our mental health, it strengthens our immune system, and it also balances our weight and appetite. So far,...
Wine and Yogurt Contribute to a Healthy Gut
When our gut is unhealthy, this can cause unpleasant symptoms such as gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating and much more. Most of our immunity is located in our gut, so gut imbalances have been linked to some autoimmune diseases, hormonal imbalances, diabetes,...
Acne Scars – Causes, Remedy, Organic Serums
Acne has long since it ceased to be a simple physical problem. As in the case with many other issues associated with one’s outer aspect, acne can easily lead to psychological problems as well. Often, this kind of impact is stronger and longer lasting. Sadly, the ones...
5 Ways Turmeric Can Beautify Your Skin
Herbs have a long history of being integrated into home remedies and even medical treatments, and have been used extensively in cosmetics thanks to their anti-oxidant properties. People have put to good use plants with strong pigments in particular due to their...
11 Ways to Naturally Hydrate your Skin
Not only does a well-hydrated skin look nicer, but it also makes you feel and look younger and in shape. Moreover, beauty products women so much love can be applied so much better when the skin is in good condition. Dry skin, on the other hand, is sure to make you...
Alkaline Water Benefits and Disadvantages | 2016 Guide
When it comes to our health, water is essential and there’s no other substance as necessary for our bodies as water. If we’re drinking enough water, we’re already doing something great for the benefits of our health You may have heard the rumors about alkaline water...
The Brain | Anatomy, Functions & Medical Conditions
The brain is the center of the nervous system and house to more than one hundred billion neurons and glial cells which process and then transmit information throughout the entire human body. Found in all vertebrates and most of the invertebrate animals, it can easily...