Legal Status of THC by State

Legal Status of THC by State

They say that the law must at once reflect society and be a powerful ally for democracy, but also keep in check the authoritarian tendencies that might arise in a majority. Regarding cannabis and, in particular, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, the chemical agent chiefly...
Known Side Effects of Cannabidiol – CBD Overview

Known Side Effects of Cannabidiol – CBD Overview

The CBD Extract Cannabidiol (CBD), along with other compounds derived from cannabis, is slowly moving from the fringes of society to the fringes of medicine and pharmacology to everybody’s attention. The problem at present, however, is that we are not really there...
Medical Marijuana: A Plant as Medicine

Medical Marijuana: A Plant as Medicine

Medical marijuana has been integrated into various treatments over the years but has yet to reach peak popularity.  People do not usually expect that something labeled as a “Schedule I Controlled Substance” might be so beneficial for patients suffering from severe...
Vapor to Quit Smoking: Is It Possible?

Vapor to Quit Smoking: Is It Possible?

E-cigs are electronic devices meant to turn smoking into a healthier habit by replacing tobacco with a variety of flavorful liquids. The dangers of smoking as suggested by a plethora of research projects do not seem to make people worry as much as they should. Smoking...
CBD Extraction Methods: How to Make CBD Oil?

CBD Extraction Methods: How to Make CBD Oil?

CBD is the acronym that is seemingly on everybody’s lips (and in blog posts) these days. Yet, most of the members of the public are not familiar with the history behind its isolation from the cannabis plant, and the processes that go into obtaining the concentrated...
CBD Oil: Medical Use, Benefits and Side Effects

CBD Oil: Medical Use, Benefits and Side Effects

CBD is one of the major constituents found in the cannabis plant, belonging to a class of compounds known as cannabinoids. The substance, which occurs naturally in marijuana plants, did not enjoy much interest until recently. Needless to say, the one it received was...
CBD Oil vs Cannabis Oil vs THC Oil vs Marijuana Oil

CBD Oil vs Cannabis Oil vs THC Oil vs Marijuana Oil

When one encounters a multitude of such designations – marijuana oil, THC oil, cannabis oil, CBD oil – it is only natural to be slightly confused, especially if one does not have a firm grasp of the background of various cannabis-related products. When you have a...