All You Need to Know about Zika Virus

All You Need to Know about Zika Virus

Origins of the Zika Virus: Where did it come from? Zika virus got its name after the Zika Forest[1] in Uganda. This virus was discovered in 1947. Many cases of people infected with Zika virus were discovered in 1952. The areas affected by this virus are the Pacific...
Cinnamon: The New Dopamine Booster

Cinnamon: The New Dopamine Booster

History Cinnamon is the name given to the bark found on the cinnamon tree. People dry it and roll it into a quill, shape in which they further preserve it. It is available either in this form as cinnamon sticks or as a powder. Every type of cinnamon sold on the market...
Can Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

Can Yoga Help With Weight Loss?

Yoga is a spiritual science of self-realization that has countless health benefits ranging from lowering stress levels to lengthening spines, and it’s no wonder that it’s attracting more students than ever before. In an age when most of us are looking to see smaller...