Diabetes is one of the most serious chronic disease that affects all age groups and for which there is no treatment or cure, just drug therapy meant to keep under control the disease. In this situation, the regime in diabetes is essential to stop the disease of progressing. In fact, diabetes is a condition determined not only by genetic predisposition, but also the metabolic imbalances caused by unhealthy diets, combined with erratic lifestyle, sedentary lifestyles and excessive consumption of high calorie foods with a high sugar content. So, respecting drastic diets in diabetes it is not simply a recommendation, but a component of the therapy against diabetes.
What is diabetes?
Diabetes is a disorder of the metabolism (metabolism means the processes by which our body uses processed nutrients for development and for vitality). Most foods we eat are fragmented down into glucose, which is the form in which there is sugar in the blood. Glucose is the key fuel source for the body.
After the digestion phase, glucose passes into the bloodstream, where it is used by cells for development and for vitality. For the glucose to penetrate into cells we need insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas, a gland that is located behind the large intestine.
When we eat, the pancreas automatically produces the appropriate amount of insulin to move glucose into the blood located inside our cells. In people with diabetes, however, the pancreas either produces too little insulin or none at all or the cells do not respond adequately to the insulin that is secreted. Thus, the body loses its main source of fuel even though the blood contains large amounts of sugar.
Diabetes is diagnosed when blood sugar levels are several times above the normal maximum values, because once it can happen because of a greater amount of glucose stuck in the body. For example, if the body is tired, it needs more glucose, and if you do your checks at that time and have a higher value than normal it does not mean that you have diabetes. The tests must be repeated, and is also made a glucose tolerance test, and if your blood sugar is still high, then there is a health problem. In Chinese medicine, blood is harvested at certain times: at 1 in the night for liver, for blood sugar at 5 am, when the activity of the organ is at the highest.
The normal range of blood sugar is between 80 and 140 mg/dl, if we consider the American research carried out on an expanded batch of patients, taking into account weight, physical activity, family situation. Depending on the country, but also of laboratory facilities, the maximum varies between 105 and 140 mg/dl. Most laboratories upper limit for blood glucose is 115 mg/dl. Exceeding this value means hyperglycemia and shows the inability of the pancreas to produce insulin or the improper assimilation in the body.
Are there many types of diabetes?
There are three major types of diabetes:
- type I (insulin-dependent);
- type II (noninsulin dependent);
- gestational (occurs in some pregnant women and disappears after birth).
Children, for example, have insulin-dependent diabetes, the cause being emotional shock. Often it happens that they encounter difficulties of communication, to not be understood by others. They may be upset by too much light or when the music is too loud. Type I diabetes is the most serious because the insulin gradually terminates the pancreas.
What causes diabetes?
Glucose is the main food for the brain and disruption of information between the brain and the pancreas is a cause of diabetes. This can be caused by the presence of viruses or bacteria passing the blood-brain barrier. Thus the brain will not properly coordinate the activity of insulin-secreting cells, disrupting the lipid metabolism.
Other causes:
- Stress;
- Poor nutrition harming the exocrine pancreas, automatically affects the endocrine pancreas, the one that deals with insulin secretion;
- Deviations of vertebrae or vertebrae beaks within certain vertebrae responsible for the activity of the pancreas: cervical, thoracic and lumbar cervical vertebrae;
- Thyroid diseases which affects the pancreas and liver;
- Powerful psychological shocks;
- Obesity;
- Overwork and burnout;
- Heredity can also cause a higher incidence of diabetes;
- In rare cases, excess sweets.
What are the symptoms that mean you have to see the doctor?
- Excessive thirst;
- Frequent urination;
- Sweating for no apparent reason;
- Strong fatigue, exhaustion without explanation, drowsiness;
- Increased appetite;
- Nervousness;
- Impaired vision;
- Difficulty breathing.
Diabetes can also be asymptomatic, in fact many times the symptoms are overlooked and the disease is discovered after routine analyzes.
Can you treat this disease?
Some treat diabetes through acupuncture, here is a short explanation from a practitioner. The severity of illness is when taking the pulse. With every hand there are six pulses, three deep and three superficial. With the deep pulse we can gauge the state of pancreas, kidneys, lungs and shallow cavity organs that are: bowel, bladder and so on. In time, a correlation is made between how energy flows and the physical condition. A disease can be caused by extra energy, which remains stuck in the body or a lack of energy. Also, the energy must be correlated with matter and so you can tell if the sand, infection or debris.
“I had a patient, aged 48, whom he had left 30% of the pancreas. It had no stable blood sugar levels, I have tried to stabilize them and with great will, this really happened. First we must take into account the effects of blood sugar, which replaces red blood cells, so blood can no longer oxygenate. These effects must be canceled and restored the connection between brain and pancreas, and the proper metabolisms. Therefore, I force the liver to release glucose metabolizing enzymes. Treatment should be complemented by physical activity, and stress must be rejected.
Each organ is recovering in a certain rhythm, in a certain interval. Given the conditions we live in, the body generates anomalies, some affecting the pancreas, for others the kidneys and so on. Such an anomaly can make it impossible to eliminate dead cells that remain in the pancreas and cause diabetes or pancreatitis, influencing the DNA of the organ.
Dead cells can be eliminated by enhancing local metabolism. Through acupuncture, I generate a continuous flow of energy, in particular for diabetes, in the pancreas and brain, but also in the rest of the body. Thus blood sugar drops, we clean the sugar from all tissues, and the treatment is completed by phototherapy, generally with teas. The best plants for diabetes, especially to strengthen the metabolism, are blueberries, mulberry, beans, nettles, plantain, marigold, rosemary, birch, ash, lemon balm, thyme, cranberries. Plants contained in the treatment scheme and acupuncture treatment act on the whole body to reduce blood sugar levels while stimulating the formation of new pancreatic beta cells (insulin secreting).
I also use a technique by means of heat treatment (thermotherapy). We apply a special herbal cream on the skin surface of the affected organ, and place a wet towel with a little alcohol, then set it to fire and leave it there for a few seconds, depends on how long the patient support. Not on the breasts and head. The heat from the fire is to take the cream active ingredients and put them in the body, increasing metabolism and relieving the pain. This process can be used anywhere on the body except the head and breast.
Acupuncture sessions, regardless of the condition, lasts 11 minutes. They act on some very strong internal energy and, if we increase the duration of the treatment, we can overheat and overfeed the body, which is not indicated.
The treatment is to cure. We pursue the test results and realize whether or not to continue treatment. After the first 10-20 sessions, the patient should start to feel better, but there are stubborner cases. The patient is cured when the connection between brain and pancreas is totally restored.
If possible, we should try to remove carbohydrates from the diet of diabetic patients. Patients are not allowed bread, potatoes, pasta, fresh fruit (pears, grapes, watermelon red, and yellow in the very least). You would want to force the body to speed metabolism and the body start to create from his own reserves the hydrates it needs and then turn them into something else, protein, fat. I allow diabetic patients to consume all the foods that are up to 25% hydrates and adjust their appetite and the appetite for sweet through treatment.”
If diabetes is not treated appropriately, what complications can occur?
If diabetes cannot be brought under control, it can affect all the major organs, especially those in which we have fine blood vessels, causing other affections like cardiovascular diseases: arterial, strokes, myocardial attacks, atherosclerosis, poor circulation; nervous system disorders: neuropathy, manifested by paresthesia, numbness, pain, depression; ophthalmic diseases: retinopathy, blindness risk; renal diseases: diabetic nephropathy; wound healing very slowly, leading to gangrene.
Who can get diabetes?
Diabetes is not contagious. People cannot infect one another. However, certain factors can increase the risk of developing this disease. Type 1 diabetes occurs equally in men and women but is more common in whites than in other populations. The World Health Organization (WHO) indicates that Type 1 diabetes is rare in most populations in Africa, Native America and Asia. However, some countries in Northern Europe, including Finland and Sweden, have high rates of diabetes type 1. The cause of these differences is unknown.
Type 2 diabetes is more common in older people, especially those overweight. The prevalence of diabetes is likely to increase for several reasons. One reason is that a segment of the increasingly large aging population (due to the extension of life expectancy). Another reason is that increasingly more people are overweight and even obese.
To assess personal probability of suffering from diabetes without knowing it, you should know the risk factors. Checking blood glucose level is recommended for all adults over 45, and young people need to make thorough medical investigation.
Tips for preventing diabetes
Respect breakfast
After some research has demonstrated that people who meet for breakfast showed a 35-50% probability of becoming overweight or small to manifest insulin resistance than those who skipped the morning meal. Why? When not getting food, the body enters a state of preservation. If you do not eat in the morning, the liver uses and releases the glucose stored over time, to maintain the level of blood sugar. At the same time, it increases levels of the hormone called ghrelin that stimulates appetite, so you will feel the need to eat all day.
Gradually reduce body weight
Being overweight is one of the major predisposing to the development of diabetes in adults and children. Weight gain may cause the deposition of fat around the internal organs and the abdominal area, especially if you are dealing with stressful situations (stress hormones can cause fat accumulation in the abdomen). New research shows that this dangerous abdominal fat cells send chemical signals that desensitizes the organism cells to insulin, the hormone that influence cells to absorb blood sugar. Insulin resistance is the first step in the development of diabetes. Most research has shown that weight loss works better in preventing diabetes, rather than insulin-sensitizing drugs.
Eat at least seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day
Consumption of fruits and vegetables daily and at least three servings of whole grains may prevent diabetes. A diet low in sugar and high in fruits and vegetables helps to maintain blood glucose balance. Avoid white bread, white rice, white flour and foods prepared with sweets. Research shows that such a diet reduces inflammation in the body, that interfere with the action of insulin and blood sugar uptake by the cells. A study of female and male subjects, held over 7 years showed that those who consumed more fiber from whole grains had 27% lower risk of developing diabetes than those who followed a diet low in fiber.
Turn off the television and go for a walk
Exercise helps protect against diabetes by transporting blood sugar that provides energy to the muscle cells and which thus become more sensitive to insulin. Walking 30 minutes a day and limiting sedentary activities reduces the risk of diabetes by up to 43%. If walks are boring, subscribe to an aerobics class, go bowling, go hiking outdoors with the children or simply put music and dance
Foods that will help you to prevent diabetes
Walnuts and hazelnuts
Recent studies show that including walnuts and hazelnuts in your daily diet reduces the risk of diabetes by up to 21%. A handful of nuts, almonds and cashew daily will make miracles, providing essential healthy fats and satisfying hunger. In addition, those who eat peanuts and nuts regularly have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.
A portion of beans each day helps those who have type 2 diabetes to control the blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of heart attack. Beans are recommended for diabetics due to low glycemic index. Because of the combination of beneficial carbohydrates, lean protein and soluble fiber, beans regulate blood sugar levels.
Breakfast on the basis of oatmeal is beneficial for diabetics, taking control of blood sugar levels. A type of fiber found in oat, beta-glucan, does wonders for those suffering from diabetes. Oat is good for the heart and contains soluble fiber that slows the release of glucose in the blood, thereby adjusting the level of sugars in the body.
Green leafy vegetables
A diet rich in green leafy vegetables reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. Spinach, turnips, cabbages and fodder, broccoli, lettuce – all these vegetables are low in calories and carbohydrates. At least a half portion of green vegetables a day reduces diabetes by up to 14%.
According to recent studies, diabetics suffer from vitamin C deficiency, therefore antioxidant-rich citrus fruits are an excellent idea for a snack. Grapefruit, oranges, lemons and limes have insulin-like properties, which are beneficial for those suffering from type 2 diabetes.
Egg whites
Eggs are the perfect food for muscle mass because they contain the best protein. Egg whites prevent type 2 diabetes, being rich in lean protein and low on carbohydrate.
Weak yogurt
Yogurt is ideal for diabetics because it is low in fat and sugar. They can enjoy the yogurt and they can add pieces of fruits and artificial sweetener. Also, weak yogurt can replace mayonnaise in sandwiches.
Researchers say that the fish increases insulin sensitivity because of the content of omega 3. Excellent source of lean protein, fish reduce blood glucose concentrations and thus the risk of diabetes.
Wild salmon
Wild salmon is rich in omega 3 fatty acids help reduce inflammation and lowers blood sugar. Omega 3 also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Green tea
Chronic inflammation – caused by foods rich in fat, lack of exercise and a diet deficient in fruits and vegetables – increases the risk of heart conditions and decreases the body’s ability to absorb blood sugar. A simple solution is drinking green tea, which is rich in flavonoids that combat inflammation and stimulates insulin activity. A cup of green tea per day has an immediate effect.
We invite you to learn what foods should contain your diet if you suffer from diabetes and in what quantities can be consumed and which are the basic rules you have to follow the regime for diabetes, so you do not worsen your condition, but stop diabetes from its evolution. Very important it is that the diet should be accompanied by a proper exercise program to control the disease effectively.
- Avoid as much as possible prepacked meals and try to cook at home most of the meals you eat. Even if some products are marketed under the label “organic product” you cannot have security and control over the amount of ingredients used (salt, sugar). This recommendation is mandatory especially for sweets and patisserie products / confectionery.
- The regime for diabetes should include as many fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid or consume in moderation fruits high in fructose like bananas, grapes, mangoes, tangerines. Instead, you can include in the diet for diabetes fruits such as apples, apricots, berries, plums, cherries, watermelon.
- Eat dairy, but with a low fat content. Beware of dairy products fortified with fruit flavors or other such additions as they are extremely harmful and contain a lot of refined sugars. Rely on low-fat yogurt, skim milk, cottage cheese.
- Eat whole grains – oats, wheat, brown rice, graham bread. They are rich in fiber and offers the feeling of fullness for longer.
- Eat seeds and pistachios, walnuts or cashews, because they reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Attention, in diabetes regimen they should be eaten in moderation and in its natural state (without being fried or fortified with various spice), because they contain large amounts of fat.
- Eat fresh foods, so you can enjoy all their nutritional properties.
- Choose foods low in protein: fish, skinless chicken, tofu, beans.
- Remove salt intake from the diet or significantly reduce this spice. Salt intake promotes water retention, cardiovascular disease, kidney problems and high blood pressure, disorders that can cause numerous complications associated with diabetes.
- In the diabetes diet you can eat one or two eggs at maximum per week. It is also recommended to consume only the yolk, because egg white is rich in protein.
- Eat foods rich in calcium and potassium-rich foods, such as oranges, pomelos, spinach, broccoli, cabbage.
- In the regimen for diabetes you should not eat red meat more than twice a week, in small portions.
- Give up any patisserie products and those from the bakery and limit yourself to eating whole bread and products such as dietary oat cakes.
- Avoid unhealthy and refined fats and consume them in moderation the healthy ones like olive oil or canola oil.
To be effective, the diet in diabetes must respect the classical scheme of daily meals: three meals and two snacks in between. Make sure you take your last meal at least 3 hours before bedtime, so the body has time to process food. Recommended diabetes diet must be supplemented by a daily schedule of exercise that boosts metabolic activity and prevent excess weight because of diabetes is most often associated with weight disorders obesity.