2016 Alkaline Diet: What Is It And Does It Work?

Jessica Lewis
June 30, 2016

The alkaline diet

When it comes to our bodies, and when we want to be healthier and prevent possible diseases, balance is the key. It is said that a balanced diet is a key to life, helping us improve our bodies overall health.

One such diet, well-known and highly praised, is the alkaline diet which has lately become a powerful weapon used against extra pounds.

But what is an alkaline diet and how it helps us achieving a healthier and more beautiful body?

The alkaline diet is a pretty strict diet in which 75% of foods are highly alkaline, and the remaining 25% are part of the so- called “tolerated foods.”

It is a diet different from the others, having a dual function: on one hand, it helps in losing weight and on the other, and more importantly, it improves our bodies health. It prevents kidney stones; it maintains bones and muscles healthy, it improves brain function, it reduces back pain and it lessens the risk of colon cancer and type 2 diabetes. It is not a miraculous diet, but it has numerous advantages for our organism.

This diet involves consuming 80% alkaline foods and 20% acidic foods. This report will help in losing weight, regain vitality and preventing certain diseases.

In order to understand the principle of this diet, we should firstly understand the difference between alkaline and acidic foods. The index that measures how acidic or alkaline is a substance is called pH, the higher its value, the more alkaline that substance is.

Alkaline foods: these foods are those that come from nature and have not been processed.

The alkaline foods category contains mainly vegetables, fruits, seeds, some spices and all types of root vegetables such as:

  • carrots
  • radishes
  • beet
  • celery
  • horseradishes
  • turnips
  • parsley root
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • red cabbage, white cabbage and Brussels sprout

It also contains green vegetables and fruits:

  • spinach
  • nettles
  • seaweed
  • lemons
  • watermelons
  • figs
  • dates
  • pineapple
  • pears
  • grapes
  • nectarines
  • bananas
  • peaches
  • mango
  • kiwi
  • coconut

The acidic foods are those that have undergone an industrial process, being altered artificially. During these operations, they have lost their essential nutrients, becoming harmful to our bodies.

The acidic foods category contains:

  • meat, especially cold meat such as sausages and salami
  • processed cereals
  • bakery products, especially those made of white flour
  • sweets, sodas, and juices
  • coffee drinks and cocktails
  • any fried foods
  • roasted seeds or nuts
  • mayonnaise and dressings
  • alcoholic drinks
  • fat cheese
  • eggs

The distinction between acidic and alkaline foods being given, the following questions we have to consider is regarding the adequate intake of foods to maintain an average of 7.4 pH in our blood. It was scientifically proven that a pH less than seven is considered an acidic pH, while a pH which exceeds 7 is alkaline.

Maintaining the pH levels balanced through a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle are the basic tools for optimizing our overall health, our bodies having an incredible hemodynamic control system, built for maintaining the proper pH levels. This internal system removes the excess of acidity or alkalinity from within the lungs, skin and urine.

Simple strategies to maintain a healthy pH

  1. A proper food diet – following a food diet plan of which the consumption of acidic foods and especially refined products is limited or entirely excluded

Eat more alkaline food: add vegetables, green tea, soy milk, unprocessed honey and olive oil to your daily diet.

  1. Proper body hydration – If the body is not well hydrated, acids will not be removed from inside the blood, thus being stored in different organs ( heart, liver, pancreas and colon). Water helps the body by removing acids in excess.
  2. Stress reduction – when we are stressed, our bodies produce active residues two or three times more than usual.

Bottomline, the alkaline diet is primarily based on fruits and vegetables, reducing blood acidity and helping in body healing.

Many diseases, including cancer and autoimmune diseases, are caused by blood acidity- the body’s pH – which becomes more acidic because of the unhealthy foods.

According to its followers, this kind of diet helps in losing weight, reduces the risk of arthritis and it fights certain types of cancer. Also, they say that the increased blood acidity is a potential cause for certain types of cancer, many tumors being able to develop in an acidic medium.

How the alkaline diet purifies the organism?

In cases where the human body is not getting enough alkaline elements, it will try to fulfill its needs extracting from its own resources – bones and other vital tissues. Decreased levels of alkalinity in bones and tissues , affects the body s ability to heal and detoxify itself, thus bringing feelings of weakness and diseases.

Helps in weight loss

Alkaline diet is not simply a food diet but also a lifestyle which, in an extended period helps in having a healthier and in-shape body. Our bodies are made to be alkaline; that’s why their functions are better when are fed with alkaline foods.

A large amount of acidic foods weaknesses the body, getting it fat. As we begin to eat more alkaline ( fresh salads, vegetables, nuts, seeds and healthy fats) it is clear that we’ll lose weight and stay fit without any problems.

Our bodies reaction to certain foods is what determines what foods are alkaline and what are acidic. For example, lemons. They are acidic in nature, but once they are digested and the body assimilates them, they become and alkaline nutrient, and that due to their minerals ( potassium, magnesium, and sodium)

But we cannot say the same thing about milk, which is an alkaline nutrient outside the body but it becomes acidic after digestion.

Even if they are similar to lemons, oranges are not alkaline, as they contain more sugar, having an acidifying effect in the body.

An example of alkaline diet menu that can help you in changing your habits

  1. Before breakfast: – a large glass of water with lemon juice
  2. Breakfast :
  • a glass of green tea sweetened with honey
  • toasted bread with olive oil or butter
  • seasonal fruits or a handful of dried fruits ( apricots, raw almonds, figs) or an orange juice
  1. Snack: a fresh fruit salad / a glass of fresh juice
  2. Lunch:
  • First course – salad with grilled or creamed vegetables (spinach salad)
  • Main course:
    • chicken, beef or pork steak
    • lentils with vegetables
    • chickpeas with green beans
    • fish with salad/ wild rice
  1. Snack:
  • a glass of soy milk and a slice of homemade cake
  • some graham crackers
  1. Dinner:
  • roasted potatoes with mixed vegetables
  • chicken soup
  • steak/ fish with spinach salads

As a conclusion, the alkaline diet is an excellent way to having a well-balanced diet, thus eating a variety of foods which improve and maintain our bodies overall health.

Having a balanced body pH boosts the effectiveness of our functions, improving vitality. More than this, it increases mental acuity, helping in a good digestion and making the skin more elastic and youthful.